Friends of Nature Czechia

We are keen on nature, history and culture. We like influencing the world around us

Friends of Nature Czechia is a Czech national non-profit organization whose local groups and associate members are active in several regions of Czechia. The association deals with nature, culture and history of the Czech Lands, exploring other regions and cultures and actively collaborates with like-minded groups in Czechia and elsewhere in the world. It gives the opportunity for self-fulfilment, active leisure, space for volunteering and interpersonal contact.

The association is part of the international movement of the Friends of Nature (Naturfreunde Internationale). In whole Czechia, the movement of the Friends of Nature unites about 600 members active in several regions. Friends of Nature Czechia is also an associate member of Green Circle – a Czech national association of environmental organizations.

The local groups and associate members of Friends of Nature Czechia promote healthy relationships between people and nature, raise awareness about natural and cultural attractions of the Czech Lands and commemorate their rich history, are not afraid to travel elsewhere in the world, actively participate in solving current social issues, meet and collaborate with other like-minded people and help to cross various boundaries that divide societies. The association and its members maintain partnerships within Czechia as well as with Friends of Nature in other countries, both at central and especially at the local level and are open to new trends and contacts.

Friends of Nature: an international cooperation for healthy nature and society

At the beginning of what today is a worldwide movement of Friends of Nature, was an Austrian workers' self-help rambling association, co-founded by a Czech native, Georg Schmiedl in Vienna in 1895. Gradually, the idea of ​​a movement appealing to more people spread to all inhabited continents. The movement nowadays promotes a harmonic coexistence of man and nature, sustainable development and social justice. There are about 500,000 Friends of Nature members in 50 countries in Europe, Africa, Asia, the Americas and Australia. Themes that connect them across continents are nature and environment, respect for own history, quality of life, sustainable development of the Earth, a healthy society, climate protection, human solidarity and cooperation.

What we do


uživatelský obsah - vždy jako první článek - NEMAZAT!!!

 ----socialní ikony----




Friends of Nature Czechia

Naturfreunde Tschechien



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